Креш -тест резюме , випуск № 9: відгуки Георгія Серебренникова

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Після короткої перерви рубрика "Креш-тест резюме на DOU "продовжує роботу. Сьогоднішній випуск веде Георгій Серебренников, VP of Engineering в Grammarly (дізнатися більше про це експерта можна з Профіт-Шоу XIV ).

Нагадаємо, що якщо ви хочете отримати коментарі та рекомендації щодо покращення вашого власного резюме, ви можете надіслати його за адресою [email protected].

CV # 1

  1. Overall immediate impression: nicely formatted resume. Person is serious and knows what he is doing.
  2. Mercury Load Runner, Test Director, etc. testify about your technical skills. Microsoft Project is the tool of Project Manager. But listing Microsoft office creates (my subjective opinion) dissonance with your background as a serious professional.
  3. I would recommend to choose slightly bigger font for the company name. Right now projects and companies are mashed up together. Everyone knows this company in Ukraine, but I still would recommend short company description.
  4. Short description of the projects will be nice.
  5. Every item in your "participation" creates more questions than answers:
    • 17 projects in parallel/overtime? Did you manage people too? 150 people is a very large team. What is the team structure? Did you manage people directly or indirectly?
    • How did you "negotiate" financial report?
    • What does it mean "ensured the fulfillment ..."? What is it you actually did?
    • How did you "ensure problem solving ..."?
    • "Managed people as a mentor". Managed whom? Junior Project Managers?
    • etc.
  6. Managed in what sense? PMO prospective? Technical Project management?

CV # 2

Key highlights from the document:

1. Java - 10 (out of 10 possible).
2. English: "... good enough for reading of technical literature ".
3. Experience: "1.5 years ... junior ... "
4. Expectations: ... company must provide ...

5. Resume Overall: did not even bother to provide resume.

Key thoughts while reading:

Who the f ... this guy is? Junior developer with less than 2 years of experience, unknown education; thinks that he is on top of the world in Java; questionable English ("good enough for reading ..." - good enough for whom?), And expectations that company must share his vision, otherwise he would not agree to join.

Mental picture of the author: Young, arrogant, disrespectful, most likely smart guy, with remaining syndromes of a teenager.

NOTE: in reality, my picture may be totally off base, the author may be a top professional and nicest guy in the world, and I would make a big mistake by not calling him for an interview. But based on what I see, I would take that risk.

CV # 3

Overall impression: nicely formatted and informative resume.


  1. Combine "Summary of work Experience" and project descriptions (move each project under corresponding position).
  2. Condense resume into maximum 3 pages document.

CV # 4

  1. Unneeded.
  2. Unneeded.
  3. Only if companies constantly offer you less. I would not recommend it.
  4. Please consider to change the order - most recent on top, especially since the last one is most relevant.
  5. Do not use words "basic" and "average" in the resume.
  6. Unneeded.
  7. What does it mean exactly for QA engineer?
  8. Unneeded.
  9. Typical BS.
  10. Although hiring manager will appreciate that, it may sound as a sign of desperation to get a job, and that in turn may poorly reflect on your ability to get higher salary.
  11. By no means skills and achievements.
  12. I would suggest to put projects under appropriate company, not as a separate section.
  13. It will be significantly better if you will include months in addition to the year.
  14. I assume you are talking about Content Management System. I would suggest full name instead of abbreviation.
  15. Responsibility to "put bugs into tracking system" does not sound good.
  16. People who will be reading your resume have no idea what "central part of warning apparatus system" is.
  17. I am not interested what is it you want to get out of the job, I am interested what job can get out of you. Consider to rewrite or skip altogether.
  18. Except the mathematical skills that you did not explain at all, everything else is typical BS.

CV # 5

  1. Overall Suggestions:
    • Make a resume look nicer;
    • Provide short company description;
    • Provide project descriptions.
  2. Separate university education form classes. Your Java classes are two different classes, description, however, is exactly the same.
  3. Means nothing to me.
  4. Care to provide short description of out patent.

CV # 6

  1. I would move that particular sentence to the bottom of the stack (if include it at all). You are looking for a position of QA tester, not a developer. It may confuse the reader.
  2. Important skills. Consider to put them as a separate item.
  3. UML modeling is skill by itself. MS Visio is irrelevant.
  4. Consider to include company description for each of the positions.
  5. In my opinion, everything that separates you from the crowd should be moved to the top. Advanced English skills do.

CV # 7

  1. I like the way resume is formatted. Few suggestions:
    • Please make sure that you are using consistent font sizes (your upper sections are in Times New Roman size 10, and your lower sections, starting with "skills" are size 12).
    • I would recommend to put section "Skills" on top, before "Work experience" section.
    • I would recommend to provide company's description for each position.
    • I would recommend to provide better project's descriptions.
  2. Consider to change the order (list most recent activities on top).
  3. Consider to change the order (list most recent activities on top).
  4. I would suggest to remove it: it's laughable.
  5. No one is paying any attention to that information. It means nothing.

CV # 8

  1. I liked the format and contents of the resume. I would recommend consistent font sizes: you have size 12 for sections "Summary" and "Technical Skills" and size 10 for the rest of the resume.
  2. "Mentoring and assisting colleagues" is kind of expected by default, so I would remove it. On "Planning", "Communication with the client", and "Performance tuning", I would elaborate.
  3. Unneeded BS.
  4. Please include year of graduation.
  5. I would recomend to highlight positions everywhere.

Опубліковано: 10/04/12 @ 06:54
Розділ Різне


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