СЕО Ciklum написав відкритого листа міністру економіки Павлу Шереметі
Ukraine after the crisis : Moving to a knowledge - based economy - an invitation to act now
Dear Mr . Sheremeta ,
I would like to extend this invitation to you , as a representative of the government , to have a meeting with " IT Ukraine " association using this document as the agenda . We should immediately establish a working group to transform these ideas into concrete plans that can be put into action right away . As you stated on CNN Amanpour yesterday :
" The issue of increasing labor productivity [ is ] how to go out of the resource - based economy into knowledge - based economy . "
I am very happy to note that we completely on the same page here . We should start now to look at how we can strengthen Ukraine and show the way forward .
I would like to discuss 3 specific actions :
- The government join with our industry in sending a message to the world , a strong message , that Parliament is strongly committed to the growth and further advancement of the IT industry in Ukraine .
- Commit to working together with the IT Industry to raise funds for investing into the Ukrainian education system , especially universities .
- Assign permanent responsibility for enacting this vision to a specific department or ministry within the government in order to ensure this engine for economic growth in the new Ukraine is given due attention . The IT Industry could see you in this position , Mr. Sheremeta .
The IT software industry declare ourselves ready to invest further in Ukraine :
- Make sure that every single person qualifying as a software development professional gets a job .
- Invest further in sales and marketing to attract customers .
- Invest further in buying , building , renting offices , in state of the art IT infrastructure , office environments and professional administrative staff to ensure we are the best employers in the market .
- Expand our internal training and education programs to further enhance the skills and expertise of product managers , project managers and business leaders .
Together we can strengthen the Ukrainian economy and build confidence in Ukraine as a country of the digital age .
Sincerely yours ,
Torben Majgaard
CEO & Founder , Ciklum
This is an abridged version of the full letter . Download the full version here.
Опубліковано: 06/03/14 @ 05:26
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